The problem with form letters
What are your fundraising critical success factors?

5 questions to ask your supporters

I'm a big fan of getting donor feedback and I've recently sent a survey to all our direct mail donors.

The front side had a few admin questions, but the second page had five free-text questions (avoiding tickboxes - thanks Aline) and the results have been fascinating and really helped me identify what's important to our donors.

The five questions I asked were:

1. Why did you decide to support our cause?

2. Do you, or anyone you know, have any personal stories or experiences of being blind or partially sighted?

3. In your opinion, what is the greatest contribution we can make to improve the lives of blind and visually impaired people?

4. Please let us know if would like more information on a particular type of blindness or information on services in your local area.

5. Do you have any suggestions on how we could communicate with you better or any ideas for future mailings?

These questions won't be suitable for every charity, so what questions would you ask your supporters and why?

p.s you can read some of the stories and quotes from the survey and I'd like to say a big thank you to @alo365 who volunteered to help put together the survey.


