When donating money causes more harm than good: the response
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Weekly Reading Round Up

Spring seems to have hit London in the last few days and it's been lovely having some some sunshine and a bit of warmth! 

In fundraising terms, it's just starting to get into event season and I was confronted with a sea of yellow and the sight of a gaggle (is there a collective noun for fundraisers?!) of Marie Curie collectors today in Waterloo!

Anyway, I'm pleased to share some of the recent articles that have caught my eye...

Alison on the 'next big thing' in fundraising - it seems like Seth has been reading Alison's blog with this post on bringing him stuff that's dead!  The Agitator blog also gives their take and Samren from Stephen Thomas with some thoughts as well.

Mark on when to choose choice.

Jackie on why good major donor fundraisers are hard to find.

Aline with a useful list of words for fundraising copywriting.

The charity branding discussion continues with this from Mark and some thoughts from Beautiful World.

Jonathon on QR codes only being useful if used properly.

Lori on the art of asking.

The Agitator's favourite fundraising metrics.

101 Fundraising on telephone fundraising.

5 tips for increasing the value of your donations.

Sean with two presentations from the AFP conference.

Copyblogger with some great PR tips for getting your stories into the media.

Jeff on why ugly fundraising works.

p.s. some useful tips from Happy Donors on using a p.s!
