How 'Relationship Fundraising' changed my life!
5 things to do when you can't afford a fundraising agency

Friday Reading Round Up

With the run of Bank Holidays in the UK over, it's time to get back to raising some money and doing some work!

In the meantime, here is some reading for the weekend...

There's been a lot of good articles on choosing agencies to work with and Derek shares his thoughts in two posts on 101 Fundraising.  Drayton Bird also shares some of his (forthright) thoughts on choosing an agency.  As an aside, I'm thinking of doing a post on what to do if you can't afford an agency - let me know if you have any suggestions...

Aline with lessons from Florence Nightingale.

John Lepp has a bee in his bonnet about donorcentric! I agree John...

Katya with things she wished she knew 20 years ago.

Anna with some lessons we can learn from face to face fundraisers.

Lucy with some thoughts on what innovation isn't.  If this post is of interest then I'd recommend Scott Berkun's excellent book 'The Myths of Innovation'.

Kimberley becomes a superhero!

Karen on acquisition.

The A-Z of excellent copywriting.

The second part of 'Why i'd never donate to a major charity' on the Freakonomics blog.  Some interesting (though not fundraising) links as well on the blog.

Seth on hard v long work.
