Nonprofit Blog Carnival: A Celebration Of SOFII - Will You Inspire Or Invest?
Fundraising Reading Round-Up

Last Call: Contribute an Exhibit to SOFII

The end of April is fast approaching, so I wanted to issue one last push for articles for SOFII as part of April's Nonprofit Blog Carnival.

A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. The first two articles are now live on SOFII. You can read about Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation's award winning, cancer slaying, fundraising target smashing video. Also up is story of DEBRA Ireland's awareness day with a clever hook to get people involved.

As a quick reminder:

The Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration (SOFII) is one of my favourite fundraising resources. When I’m stuck with a fundraising problem it is my first point of call for inspiration.

However, it is only as good as the exhibits and articles it showcases. The current archive is amazing, but it only features a fraction of all the innovative and inspiring fundraising work that exists.

That is why I’m dedicating April’s Nonprofit Blog Carnival to gathering new articles and exhibits for SOFII and I need your help…

Get involved and help me gather 100 new articles and exhibits for SOFII.

Don’t be shy. Showcase the most successful fundraising efforts you have been involved in. What made them special? How could they inspire others? What lessons did you learn? 

Not got a blog? It is still easy to take part.

You can download the exhibit form and send your submission direct to me. My e-mail is [email protected]. Alternatively, I’d be delighted to interview you via Skype or telephone.

Not got an exhibit? Why not say ‘thank-you’ to SOFII and make a donation to help pay for the upkeep of the site. Just like Wikipedia and Firefox, SOFII is dependent on the generosity of its users to keep it free and always available for everyone.



