Fundraising Reading Round-Up
Friday, June 12, 2015
The fall-out from the Olive Cooke case rumbles on in the UK and it has featured heavily in the sector press over the last two weeks. I'm not going to dwell too much on it today, but instead focus on articles that can help improve your fundraising and make giving the joy it should be!
However, I did want to share this one post on fundraising ethics by Ian MacQuillin at Rogare. It advocates taking a longer term view and formulating a new theory for fundraising ethics. Also worth a read is #dontaddtothehype by Di Flatt.
Recruiting good quality fundraisers is one of the hardest parts of a director's job. Renier at 101 Fundraising shares some of his best tips on how to recruit successfully.
Lucy Gower asks if you are an accidental fundraiser?
The Hilborn blog begin a three part series on mid-level donors.
The Bloomerang blog review their mystery shopping and remind us why small donations should matter a lot to nonprofits.
Clairification shares six secrets to rock multi-channel integrated fundraising campaigns.
The Stephen Thomas blog is just back from the Digital Leap conference and have 15 digital fundraising learnings to share with us.
Bright Spot Consulting with the secret to doubling your corporate partnerships income.
Pamela Grow shares a great fundraising e-mail from the Soi Dog Foundation.
Michael Rosen explains why he is thinking of not renewing his CFRE.
Matthew Sherrington asks if you are representing or stereotyping the people you serve?
The UK isn't the only country where fundraisers are being given a hard time. The Fundraising Coach reports on the Red Cross and criticism they've had over spending on Haiti.
Howard Lake at UK Fundraising shares a new report from the Institute of Fundraising and fast.MAP on how donors react to different media channels.
Also on the same site, Gail Cookson of agency WPN has a three part series on DRTV metrics.
Tobin Aldrich writes about a great face to face experience he had with the Canal & Rivers' Trust.
Richard Turner on making an impact. I love what Solar Aid have done to show donors the difference they are making.
Ann Green recommends not giving up on direct mail.
Lisa Sargent guests at Getting Attention on making your messages matter.
Finally, the Institute of Fundraising National Convention is less than a month away. I was delighted to share my tips on how to make the most of the convention over at the Fundraiser magazine.