Fundraising Reading Round-Up
Fundraising Controversy: What Does the Data from 10 Top Charities Tell Us?

Fundraising Reading Round Up

Next week is the annual Institute of Fundraising National Convention. It is usually my favourite three days of the year as I learn new things, meet friends old and new and find inspiration in the words and actions of others. Please do say 'hello' if you see me!

Rogare have picked some of the sessions to look out for and I shared some conference tips with Fundraiser magazine.

I recently contributed a tip (along with 28 other fundraisers) on stewardship to the Nonprofit Easy blog. There are some great tips, so do check it out.

Giles Pegram writes about the unhappy philanthropist at UK Fundraising.

This is something I'm discovering in my current job. At 101 Fundraising, Jonathon Grapsas describes are how people are the same, but different all over the world.

Also at 101 Fundraising, Karen Osborne shares some tips on major donor magic.

'It will never catch on' - so says Lucy Gower. Lessons from Kodak's demise.

The Nonprofit Marketing blog explain why your donors wish to be anonymous.

Michael Rosen challenges whether you are wasting your time hunting unicorns?

Veritus Group on when qualified donors become unqualified.

Why your donor messaging should be simple by Ask, Thank, Report, Repeat.

Two articles on legacies from Stephen George. He shares 10 of the best words to use in legacy fundraising and how to train your staff in legacies (in the Fundraiser magazine).

Bright Spot Fundraising explain two simple changes that boost confidence.

Penelope Burk asks if the performance of donor relations staff can be measured?

Related to this, Clairification wonders why are good nonprofit fundraisers hard to keep?

=mc consultant Charlotte Scott asks 'how good a manager are you?

Don't judge a donor by the cover warns the Donor Relations Guru.

Bloomerang release an infograph on their $5 donor experiment.

Beth Kanter recently visited London for the Future of Social conference. Discover what she learned.
