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September 2015

Fundraising Reading Round Up

It's been longer than I would like since my last round-up, so time for a bumper edition. There's lots of great articles for you to enjoy below. Thanks for reading.

Ken Burnett had six minutes to defend fundraising on Radio 4. What would you say? Read about Ken's experience and thoughts in his latest blog.

(Fund) Raising Voices takes a look at major giving trends in the UK.

On 101 Fundraising Rachel Hunnybun describes a special thanking event for donors who had increased their gift and the subsequent impact on income.

The Veritus Group on letting go of the fear.

Rob Woods at Bright Spot Fundraising shares nine tips on how to get meetings with major donors using your phone.

I loved this story from Jason McNeal on how two fans of the University of Tennessee football team got 100,000 people to co-ordinate colours for a game!

Lucy Gower describes the frustration of not being listened to by a company. Related: Jonathon Cook from Insight-ful describes how a friend had a similar experience with a cancer charity. This couldn't happen in your charity could it?

Ian MacQuillin at Rogare on the fundraising commons.

Five fundraisers share the toughest fundraising question they have been asked with the Fundraiser magazine.

Derek Humphries of DTV on the refugee crisis and how emotional images led to an outpouring of compassion.

'We need a new audience' - something I'm sure many fundraisers have heard from colleagues or trustees. Tobin Aldrich challenges this assumption.

August's Nonprofit Blog Carnival topic was on sharing progress and communicating accomplishments.

Wild Woman Fundraising on breaking the old fundraising rules. 

Sean Triner shares  a case study from the Soi Dog Foundation and how they recruit new donors on Facebook.

Network for Good describe six quick behavioral economics lessons for fundraisers.

I've always been a big fan of using questionnaires. Here Drayton Bird reveals some of his secrets to using them successfully.

Seth Godin takes a look at the rise of ad blockers and how to overcome the problem - better marketing/fundraising in the first place!

On a related theme, David Meerman-Scott asks are you selling when your buyers are ready?