Fundraising Reading Round Up
Book review (and special offer): The innovation workout by Lucy Gower

Fundraising Reading Round-Up

I've recently had the pleasure of spending a week in Japan working with Amnesty International fundraisers from across Asia-Pacific. It was fascinating learning about fundraising in that part of the world and hearing about the challenges they face.

It means it has been a bit longer than planned since my last round-up and I have limited it to stories and articles from October. Enjoy.

I want to start this week with Adrian Sargeant's latest piece of research on donor satisfaction and his related conclusion that the proposed Fundraising Preference Service is a bad idea. It is also worth reading the comments and the ensuing debate.

Ian MacQuillin shares his opinion on the groundbreaking opportunity awaiting the new fundraising regulator.

My opinion? I think the FPS is ill-conceived and unworkable in practice. There are existing laws and regulations in place and if these were properly enforced with appropriate sanctions then there wouldn't be a problem. I believe we need to do more as a profession to stop this mistake happening. It is bad for donors and bad for the causes we serve.

I always love mystery shopping exercises. Nonprofit Tech for Good share the results of making a $25 donation to 32 different organisations.

Tobin Aldrich on why we should do more to promote the joy of giving and the difference charities make to society.

I continue to learn lots from Richard Turner and his latest post on when raising less could mean more is worth a look.

Mark Phillips on fundraising professionalism.

Amanda Santer on building relationships and a lightbulb moment!

I loved this customer service example that Open Fundraising shared on their blog. What a wine company does when it hears a loyal customer is expecting!

Paul de Gregorio shares an inspiring Greenpeace video.

Lianne Howard- Dace shares some tips for supporter care events on the Justgiving blog.

Pell & Bales on the challenge facing fundraising.

Lots of great articles on 101 Fundraising. Here are a couple of my favourites:

Matthew Sherrington on the curse of the ROI fundraising ratio.

Jackie Fowler on how Camphill Village Trust fundraise. CVT are one of my favourite fundraising organisations.

Michael Rosen on when you should refuse a gift.

What happens when you show love and loyalty to a donor? Veritus Group explain.

Beth Kanter on improving virtual meetings.

I love this story from Rob Woods on the German town who turned a neo-Nazi rally into a fundraising opportunity for good!

The Donor Dreams blog on culture v strategy.
