Branding is for cattle. Bonding is for people.
Reflections on the Rogare review of relationship fundraising

Fundraising Reading Round Up

It's been a busy start of the year, so this round up is long overdue! I've focused on posts from January and hope you find something of interest. Thanks for reading.

I want to start with the review of relationship fundraising review by Adrian Sargeant, Jen Shang and Ian MacQuillin of fundraising think tank Rogare. You can download the four volumes from the project sponsor Pursuant . You can also read a summary of the key findings on the Rogare blog.

I'll be blogging my thoughts on the review soon. In summary, I think there are some interesting insights for fundraisers to consider. However, the research uncovers that relationship fundraising means different things to different people and it fails to offer a definition that we can all use (not that this was an aim of the review). This means that the sector may continue to confuse what is meant by the term. Last year I predicted 2015 would be the year relationship fundraising comes of age - it seems like I was a year early! With this review and the newly-established Commission on Donor Experience relationship fundraising is going to be a hot topic in 2016. You can read an interview with Richard Spencer, the commission's director at the Fundraiser website.

 Tobin Aldrich has started a new series on keeping donors. The first part is on engagement.

The Insightful blog has a radical, restructuring idea for the charity sector.

Three ways to channel your inner Bowie from Bright Spot Fundraising.

Hannah from the Fundraising Collective takes a look at deciphering your data.

On 101 Fundraising Tom Ahern spies five trends for 2016.

The Too Busy to Fundraise blog shows why consistency beats brilliance every single time.

Future Fundraising Now on avoiding 'me-first' fundraising.

Hilborn host an interview with one of my favourite fundraisers. Mark Phillips of Bluefrog.

Sean Triner asks if millennials are really worth targeting for fundraising?

The latest series on the Veritus blog looks at four things your donor wants.

The Justgiving blog reviews five great charity social campaigns from 2015.

Agents of Good on lessons in gratitude.

Richard Turner says we should understand 'why' we need to change our fundraising.

The Clairification blog provides two reasons donor surveys are valuable.

Bloomerang explain how to use donor identity to aid in retention.

David Meerman Scott: Nobody cares about your products (except you).

Seth Godin with 10 questions for work that matters.

The Story of Telling on how to optimise for customer delight.
