Fundraising Reading Round Up
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Time for another reading round-up. Hope you enjoy the fine selection of articles below. If any of you are going to the IFC then I hope to see you there! In the meantime, happy fundraising...
Rogare have been busy in the last month or so and their recent paper on ethical decision making in fundraising is worth a read. You can also check out commentary from the Agitator and thoughts on integrity from Ken Burnett.
Also, Ian McQuillin published this two part blog asking if being a donor the same thing as being a consumer and then looking at the new fundraising regulator in the UK.
Supporter journeys and experience is one of the projects I'm currently working on at Amnesty International. This compendium of articles from McKinsey has given me lots of food for thought about how we can apply lessons from the commercial world. N.B. there are two articles in the McKinsey Quarterly and the link to the compendium is half way down then page.
The Ask Direct Summer School in Ireland sounded fabulous. Mark Phillips shares some of his learnings. Tom Ahern gives his thoughts as well. Finally, Agents of Good on the importance of being earnest.
The Veritus group on why creating awareness is the first relationship step to getting meetings. Part of a series on the steps to getting a meeting.
'No-one strives for vanilla' says Lucy Gower.
Donor Voice have been busy blogging recently with lots of interesting content. 'How are you baiting your line?' encourages you to understand why a donor gives to your cause (and use that information accordingly!)
Clarification blog is hosting October's non-profit carnival. The topic is on getting and sustaining major gifts. September's was hosted by the Fundraising Authority with a selection of posts on finding new donors.
Tobin Aldrich has written a two-part blog on where new donors come from that would have been a worthy addition to the carnival. Read part one and part two.
Future Fundraising Now on three things every donor needs from you.
101 Fundraising have a great series of posts ahead of the IFC in the Netherlands this month. I like this post from Rachel Hunnybun on change.
I liked this anecdote from Eddy Hogg at Kent Philanthropy on effective altruism. As someone who has supported Free Kicks as well, I'm with Eddy on its effectiveness...
I always love personalised thank you cards, so wanted to share this example from Flight of the Fundraiser.
Wild Woman Fundraising interviews Marc Pitman and discusses leadership.
Richard Turner on how you should tap into emotion.
Bright Spot Fundraising describe three ways to help your teams unite.
Michael Rosen asks do you know how to respond to criticism?
Sean Triner looks at language to avoid when talking to mid and major donors.
Jason McNeal on how he responded to a pre-emptive gift. A good lesson for fundraisers.
The Story of Telling share the three act structure for brand stories.